ORU-BOAS is an EU-funded collaborative research project focused on the development of a concept allowing the assembly, repair, or upload of space infrastructures directly in-orbit.
With a strong focus on in-orbit services, ORU-BOAS (Orbital Replacement Unit - based on Building Blocks for Advanced Assembly of Space Systems) researchers aim to develop an ORU-BOAS standard module up to TRL5/6.
This plug-in module will be compatible with a wide range of payloads and will include standard interfaces for interaction with other ORUs, satellite platforms, or robotics elements, as well as with the elements developed in the “Plan European Roadmap and Activities for Space Exploitation of Robotics and Autonomy” (PERASPERA) roadmap.
Several types of services like life extension, refueling, repairing, and other station-keeping missions will be elaborated, upgrading the European strategic autonomy and robotic missions.
Loading for autonomous future European robotic missions