Successful Preliminary Design Review (PDR) Marks Milestone for Our Project

On September 25th, a significant event took place as we celebrated the ORU-BOAS Preliminary Design Review (PDR) in Brussels. This event had the participation of all consortium partners, with some attending in person and others joining remotely via Teams. A member of the European commission and an industry expert were also in attendance. 

The PDR served as a crucial checkpoint in our project's timeline, allowing us to assess the current project status and ensure that our designs meet the project's requirements and expectations. During this session, our team presented the proposed configuration of the On-Orbit Replacement Unit (ORU), its preliminary designs, development plan, and the testing regime designed to validate our product. 

The PDR concluded successfully with minimal Review Item Discrepancies (RIDs). These RIDs will be addressed promptly, ensuring our deliverables meet the highest standards before submission.

This milestone marks a significant step forward in our engineering project, bringing us closer to the development of ORU-BOAS. The next important milestone of the project will be the Critical Design Review (CDR), scheduled for the first trimester of 2024.